2017 MARE College Scholarship Recipients
The Missouri Association of Rural Education is pleased to announce the following $1,000.00 MARE Scholarship Recipients for 2017:
Mia Pohlman - Larry J. Hart Scholarship
Stephanie Scheer - Howard Heidbrink Scholarship
Shaylynn Craig - William G. Peter Scholarship
Blakeley Fuemmeler - Philip C. Dorth Scholarship
Destiny Reed - Frank "Dean" Cone Scholarship
McKenzi Schuster - David M. Cooper Scholarship
Katheryn Crockett - MEUHP Scholarship
Seth Schenck - Forrest T. Jones Scholarship
Jacob Koelling - CTS Group Scholarship
Taylor Grisham - Mickes O'Toole Scholarship
Calab Kauffman - Guin Mundorf, LLC Scholarship
The scholarship awards will be presented on Saturday, July 29th at 11:00 a.m. as part of the summer MARE Executive Board meeting. The meeting will be held in the Missouri Retired Teacher's Association building in Jefferson City, Missouri. Congratulations to our winners. Special thanks to our sponsors and all of those who support the annual golf tournament.