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Missouri Association of Rural Education


2007 Outstanding Rural Education Awards

  Outstanding Rural Education Award 2007 Rural Elementary Teacher Karen Fowler Pettis County R-V School District Rural Middle School Teacher Patti Hutton Weaubleau R-III School . . .

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2007 Outstanding Rural Building Administrator

Wendy Brock

Wendy Brock has dedicated the last twenty years to the education of America's youth as a physical education teacher and now as a principal for grades PreK-6 at Green Ridge Elementary.  Mrs. Brock is best described as one who keeps the . . .

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2007 Outstanding Rural District Administrator

Donald Quick

Donn Quick is currently the Superintendent of the Lafayette C-I School District at Higginsville, Missouri.  His commitment to students and education began thirty-three years ago as a classroom instructor and for the last thirty years he . . .

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2007 Outstanding Rural Elementary Teacher

Karen Fowler

Karen Fowler, a teacher of many subjects and grade levels, but most importantly many students; has seen a career in the education field, which spans 35 years.  Her entire teaching career has been at the elementary level and has been in . . .

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2007 Outstanding Rural Junior High School Teacher

Patti Hutton

2007 marks the eighteenth year of outstanding service that Patti Hutton has given to education having taught many subjects in the fifth through eighth grade levels.  Mrs. Hutton is currently a junior high science and art teacher in the . . .

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2007 Outstanding Rural School Board

North Platte R-I School District

Like most rural schools, the North Platte Board of Education members not only serve the school district, but various other leadership roles such as firemen, church deacon, city council member, and state committee member.  While not all . . .

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2007 Outstanding Rural Secondary Teacher

Barb Mason

Barb Mason has been educating young people in the Paris R-II School District for the last eleven years.  Mrs. Mason's teaching experiences have been focused in the area of vocational business.  During this time, Mrs. Mason has . . .

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2007 Outstanding Rural Senior High Student

Michelle Kay Wright

Michelle Kay Wright is a senior at Santa Fe High School in Alma, Missouri.  She has attended Santa Fe for the last nine years.  Michelle is best described as one who is a dedicated, focused student with very high standards and . . .

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2007 Outstanding Rural Support Staff Member

Tom Adams

Tom Adams has been described as one of the most thoughtful and willing employees the Norborne District has ever known.  For the last 35 years, Tom has served as the schools Head Custodian/Maintenance person in the Norborne R-VIII School . . .

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Outstanding Rural School District

Cole Camp R-I School District

The Cole Camp R-I School District is located in Benton County.  It is a historic area located between the Missouri prairie to the north and Ozarks to the south.  The school buildings are located within the city of Cole Camp, having . . .

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