Missouri Propane Gas Association
MOPERC is a not-for-profit organization created by the Missouri legislature to develop programs and projects that promote propane research, education, safety and marketing. It is governed by a 15-member Council composed of industry volunteers. In 2018, the Council set aside up to $1 million dollars over a 10-year period to assist Missouri school districts that adopted propane school buses. The program anticipated 50 rebates annually of $2,000 each for the 10-year period of the Volkswagen Trust distribution. The rebates can be used for any purpose - vehicle acquisition, infrastructure, fuel or classrooms. To qualify, a district must only provide MOPERC with the contact at the bus seller and the PO number. The rebate is paid when the district takes ownership of the bus. A district can qualify for up to 10 rebates each year. Rebates are claimed on a first-come basis. We recommend that you have your bus representative contact MOPERC early on so that we can set aside your rebates prior to taking possession of the vehicle.
For more information, please contact Steve Ahrens, President of MOPERC, at (573) 893-7655, extension 301 or by email at steve@MissouriPropane.com.
Website address: www.PropaneMissouri.com/SchoolBus