Outstanding Rural Board of Education
Kingsville R-I School District
Like most rural schools, the Kingsville R-I Board of Education members not only serve the school district, but are hard working individuals from various walks of life. While not all the members have children in school, all are very . . .
Outstanding Rural Building Administrator
Melinda Wilbeck
Melinda Wilbeck has dedicated the last fourteen years to the education of American's youth as a classroom teacher and now as the middle school principal for grades 6-8 at Brookfield Middle School. Mrs. Wilbeck is best described as one . . .
Outstanding Rural Education Award Winners
Presented at the 2008 MARE Conference
Outstanding Rural Education Award Winners - 2008
Outstanding Rural Elementary Teacher
Marcia Kessler
A book written several years titled "All I Really Need to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten" was probably written with Marcia Kessler in mind. Mrs. Kessler, a teacher of many students has had a career in the field of education that . . .
Outstanding Rural Middle School Teacher
Marilyn Bolinger
2008 marks the twenty-sixth year of outstanding service that Marilyn Bolinger has given to education. Mrs. Bolinger is in a unique situation because she teaches in two content areas that are in high demand -- Math and Science. . . .
Outstanding Rural School District
Glasgow R-III School District
Glasgow School District " Home of the Yellowjackets!" is located in North Central Missouri in Howard County. It is a historic area located at a sharp bend of the Missouri River. The town of Glasgow early in its history was a . . .
Outstanding Rural Secondary Teacher
John Rummel
John Rummel has been educating young people for the last 22 years, twenty-one of those years in the Stockton R-I School District. Mr. Rummel's teaching experiences have been focused in the area of vocational agriculture. During . . .
Outstanding Rural Senior High Student
Jillian Burrows
Jillian Burrows is a senior at Smithton High School. She has attended the Smithton district since kindergarten. Jillian is best described as one who is a dedicated, focused student with very high standards and goals for success . . .
Outstanding Rural Board Member
Hugh Wallace
Hugh Wallace has spent the last twenty years serving his community and school district as a School Board Member working to improve and support the Mound City R-II School District. The words "a true advocate for kids and . . .
Outstanding Rural Support Staff Member
Bev Ollison
Beverly 'Bev' Ollison has been described as a person with a pleasant personality who does not know a stranger. Mrs. Ollison has served as a support staff member in the Green Ridge district for the last twenty years. Her . . .