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Missouri Association of Rural Education

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Dixon R-I Superintendent Vacancy for 2025-2026

 The Dixon R-I School District is currently accepting applications for a Superintendent for the 2025-2026 school year. APPLICANT CRITERIA The Superintendent of Schools serves as the chief executive officer of the school district and is responsible to the Board of Education for ensuring compliance with all board policies, Missouri State Board of Education rules and regulations, and state and federal laws. Candidates will be evaluated on their professional merits, with emphasis on the following criteria: Valid Superintendent Certification Central office experience preferred Reputation of integrity, trustworthiness, leadership skills, and a strong work ethic Ability to develop a positive rapport with teachers, administrators, and other personnel/patrons throughout the school district Background in school finance and curriculum APPLICATION PROCESS To be considered, a complete applicant's file must be received and contain the following: Formal letter indicating a desire to be considered as a candidate Completed Administrator Application Up-to-date Resume Copies of all college/university transcripts Copy of valid Missouri Educator's license with Administrator Endorsement SALARY AND BENEFITS Competitive compensation commensurate with experience (range $110,000-$131,000) , including salary, health, life and LTD benefits. Initial two-year contract with duties starting July 1, 2025.