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Missouri Association of Rural Education



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Kayla Mierisch

2016 Philip C. Dorth Scholarship Recipient

Kayla Mierisch - 2016 Philip C. Dorth Scholarship Recipient


Kayla Mierisch is a graduate of Maries County R-II in Belle, MO.  She is currently a student at Missouri Baptist University, Union, MO working on a major in Early Childhood Education. 

Kayla shares that her favorite aspect of attending a small rural school district is the bond that she was able to form with her peers, teachers and community at large.  Her rural community helped her to develop as a person with purpose and a future.  Kayla will be starting her fifth year this fall serving as a special education paraprofessional within the Maries County R-II School District.  She is looking forward to finishing her degree and becoming a part of the education community in a rural setting.        

One of her college instructors notes that Kayla is an excellent communicator, a good listener and displays great patience working with students.  She is dependable, has a positive demeanor and is willing to go above and beyond what is needed to get the job done.   Her work ethic in the classroom and as a volunteer in the community will make her an asset to the teaching field. 

Her desire to share positive experiences and to provide support to her students and community while serving as a teacher in a Missouri rural school district makes it appropriate to congratulate Kayla Mierisch as the 2016 Philip C. Dorth Scholarship recipient.