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Missouri Association of Rural Education



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Jacqueline Anderson

2015 Ray Doerhoff Scholarship recipient

Jacqueline Anderson - Ray Doerhoff Scholarship recipient

Jacqueline Anderson of Slater, Missouri, is a graduate of Slater High School.  She is currently attending the Central Methodist University – Fayette, majoring in Early Childhood Education.

Jacqueline shares that since starting at Central Methodist University, people often ask if I plan to return to my hometown and teach.  My response has generally been that I did not want to return but instead broaden my horizons.  Now beginning my third year in college, I have come to the conclusion that I want to teach in a rural Missouri community.  Having come from a rural community, I can understand the needs of children in rural areas and want to help them succeed and know that they are worth something in society. 

A former classroom instructor shares that in her time in high school, Jacqueline was a FORCE.  She was a member of nearly every organization and was instrumental in re-chartering the Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD).  Jacqueline wasn’t just a member but was a leader.  She spearheaded many efforts to benefit the community as well as people in need state-wide.  She is a success story that is referenced often and a student who made a difference instead of excuses.

Because of positive experiences she had as a student and a passion to make a difference wherever she goes, makes it appropriate to congratulate Jacqueline Anderson as the 2015 Ray Doerhoff Scholarship recipient.