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Missouri Association of Rural Education

About MARE


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MARE is People

MARE is an organization that recognizes the needs and concerns unique to rural education.  It provides a forum for the discussion and resolution of those needs and concerns, and presents a unified voice for rural education in Missouri.

  • MARE unites all interested parties in the improvement of rural education in Missouri;
  • MARE actively works to obtain legislation for benefit of rural education;
  • MARE proactively seeks equal and quality educational opportunities for all rural children of Missouri;
  • MARE gives identity, voice and recognition to rural schools;
  • MARE works toward enhancement of the quality of life unique in the rural community;
  • MARE seeks out and enlists the support of friends of rural education in Missouri;
  • MARE serves as the state advocate and representative for rural education in Missouri;
  • MARE is us -- working together.

Striving for excellence in education for ALL children of greater Missouri, MARE consists of skilled professionals serving the rural school districts of Missouri.  Included are teachers, administrators, board of education members, support staff, parents, Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, college and university personnel, legislators, professional people, agencies, businesses, corporations, and others with direct contact with rural education.  MARE members feel a keen professional responsibility to share their shills, resources, knowledge, successful programs and techniques with their fellow members.