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Missouri Association of Rural Education



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2007 Outstanding Rural Support Staff Member

Tom Adams

Tom Adams has been described as one of the most thoughtful and willing employees the Norborne District has ever known.  For the last 35 years, Tom has served as the schools Head Custodian/Maintenance person in the Norborne R-VIII School District, Norborne, Missouri. 

Behind every successful school district is the individual that takes pride in maintaining a top-notch facility.  Mr. Adams understands that a school that is well maintained, is one that helps in creating a positive learning environment for all that enter the building.  For you see, Tom Adams is a former graduate of the Norborne High School, and one of his greatest enjoyment is the pride he takes in keeping his alma mater looking exceptional. 

Described by one of his fellow employees, "He is one of the most caring and upstanding individuals in the Norborne Community.  Two of Tom's greatest loves are spending time with his family, and his love for his job.  With all of Tom's many talents in electrical, plumbing, woodworking and general repairs, he has helped save the school district many thousands of dollars during his tenure at Norborne."  One of his greatest skills is the ability to figure out how to repair most anything and if the district needs to call in a specialist to fix the problem, Tom watches how it was repaired and then has the ability to solve the problem the next time it occurs. 

The rapport that Mr. Adams has developed throughout the community, is because of the fact he makes the school the "pride" of the community.  He is highly regarded by everyone.  Because of Tom's tenure with the school district, he has seen many children walk down the hallways at Norborne to include quite possibility the second and third generations of some families in the Norborne community. 

During the construction of a new high school building in the 1998-99 school year, Tom spent many countless hours helping in the construction of this building, while at the same time keeping the older high school building cleaned on a daily basis.  Tom loves to paint, and after the initial construction phase was completed, he personally painted all the classrooms and the gym.  

Tom Adams is more than the Head Custodian and Maintenance person in the Norborne School District. He is the districts ambassador between the school and community.  He is giving, thoughtful and the most unselfish person most have ever known.  Giving of ones self is said to be the ultimate gift, making it fitting for his selection as the Missouri Outstanding Rural Support Staff member for 2007.